Sian’s Plan

Sian’s Plan was developed after a few years of working with home cooks. The main objective of is to make it as easy as possible for home cooks to cook healthy meals for their families within the budget that they have. have created a meal planning in colour web application which means that home cooks can have the right food in the right amount right there in the kitchen when they need it.

Sian Breslin developed the meal planning in colour because she wanted to make it easier and achievable for home cooks to cook as many days in the week as they can. In one week which counts for 5 cooking days there are 4 red days and 1 green day. The four red days are to plan, shop and cook. Only 4 recipes are needed – 1 red meat dish, 1 chicken dish, 1 meatless dish and 1 fish dish. The green day is where all the leftovers are used that are in the store cupboard or fridge- there is no planning involved. The other two days are flexible, where a family can eat out etc. is a mother and son business where Sian is the Home Economist expert and Vincent looks after the technological side of the business.

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